AAN- COMICS publishing real-life graphic stories | The Wily Fox Daring Feats of Fg. off. D.P. Chinoy of the Indian Air Force during 1965 War (A true story)
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The Wily Fox Daring Feats of Fg. off. D.P. Chinoy of the Indian Air Force during 1965 War (A true story)

September 10th, 1965 saw the fighting of one of the most crucial battles in India’s military history- the battle of Assal Uttar in the Khem Karan Sector. Fg. Off. DP. CHINOY attacked a Pakistani army camp. The Mystere was badly hit and Chinoy had to bail out in the enemy territory. Then started a long chase by the enemy for capturing him. Flying Officer Chinoy walked, crawled and, when required, ran for over five hours to evade capture until he safely crossed the front line and reached the Indian Forces.